School Bus Arrangements for 2022
We are working closely with Harkerss and the Ministry of Education to ensure that the transition to our new school bus operator goes well.
To make sure that the start of the school year goes as smoothly as possible, please familiarise yourself with the information below.
As always, please either stay with your children while they are waiting for their school transport in the morning or keep in contact with them to make sure that they are picked up safely.
School bus routes, timetables and bus stop information
Information can be accessed on –
Eligibility for school transport assistance
We often get questions about whether students qualify for school transport assistance i.e., a place on a school bus.
The Ministry of Education has three criteria that students must meet in order to qualify for school transport assistance. They are:
The student must attend their closest state or state-integrated school
The student must live more than a certain distance from the school:
Years 1-8: at least 3.2 km
Years 9-13: at least 4.8 km
There must be no suitable public transport options
The Ministry of Education has a handy video on their website that helps explains the eligibility criteria for school transport assistance.
Responsibility of caregivers
To ensure a safe environment for bus loading and unloading, caregivers should:
not park in bus bays
adhere to the speed limit (20 km/h while passing a stationary school bus on either side of the road)
try to eliminate the need for children to cross the road
ensure that children get to and from the bus stop safely
teach children to not run across the road
Please note: if you currently have a private arrangement with your bus operator, you will need to contact your bus operator to confirm that your arrangement will continue in 2022.
School transport queries
If you have any queries about our school transport, please contact, Ema Motu, our Bus Controller. I can be contacted on
Ngā mihi
Ema Motu