by Merv Ellis

Friday Fun Sports Afternoon!

Modified Town v Country Game Held on School Field

Last Friday 5th November we held a Rippa Rugby game here at school for the Year 12’s & 13’s - in place of our annual Town & Country game that was cancelled due to Covid-19 regulations.

The game was played with the usual gusto and passion as we have witnessed every other year. Country won the game with 7 tries to Towns 5 tries. Emily Berry did a fantastic job at referring the game and keeping them all under control, especially with all the protests that went on.

At half time the Year 9, 10 & 11’s had quick game of touch while the older students had a break.

We also had other activities going on around the school for those students wanting to take part - there was volleyball, a basketball shoot off, touch and chess just to name a few, which were all just as popular as the rippa rugby game. 

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