Senior Subject Choices

2022 Senior Students are now able to choose their subjects online.

At whanau this morning we launched SchoolPoint to our current Years 10, 11 and 12 students.  This is a digital platform where all subject choices are to be made.

All subject choices must be confirmed by Friday 19th November ready for us to start planning next year's Timetable.

We encourage you to talk to your student about the subjects they have chosen next year, and their plans further down the track.

To log in to Schoolpoint, each student will need their Kamar student login details.  Once in SchoolPoint, it is a simple procedure to choose their subjects.  They will be choosing 6 core subjects and 1 backup subject.  Depending on the year they will entering next year, some subjects may already be selected, these are the compulsory subjects for that year level.

If they would like to do a subject but are unable to select it due to pre-requisites or other reason, please apply for an exemption and we can discuss that with the student.

If your child is not returning to school next year we would like them to indicate that in SchoolPoint, as we need to capture that information.

If they or you would like any help or further information regarding SchoolPoint or subject selection for 2022, please contact Madeleine email:

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