I would like to congratulate Neve Davidson for winning the Christchurch Catholic Commission Justice and Peace Yr 11-13 Competition. This is a fine achievement and we are very proud of you. As mentioned in our Catholic Character article, the essay will be reproduced in the Inform magazine.
Next week, on the 16th & 17th November our Year 9 & 10 Students will be sitting their end of year exams. On the 16th they have English in the morning and Maths in the afternoon, the following day it is Science in the morning and Social Science finishes the Junior exams in the afternoon. Each of these exams last for 2 hours and are an opportunity for our junior students to learn exam conditions and practice.
I would like to thank WestReap (with funding from ACC) for working with our Year 9 & 10 classes on the 'Mates & Dates/Relationship' programme over the last few weeks. This has been extremely beneficial for our students and your time is much appreciated.
Our Year 10 students head off on their camp to the Boyle River Outdoor Education Centre on 23rd-26th November. Please make sure all consent forms have been sent back. Mrs Pope, Ms Hutchinson and myself are looking forward to it.
Please read the the letter below regarding school buses for 2022, if you have any queries please contact our Bus Controller Ema Motu: ema.motu@johnpaul.ac.nz.
A lovely afternoon was held last Friday. Our seniors held a modified Town & Country rippa rugby game here at school, as well as other sports including volleyball, basketball, touch, and chess.
I wish all our Year 11-13 students all the best with their exams which start on 22 November. I hope you are all doing plenty of study. If you still have credits to complete you are very welcome to come in and get these done.
Sadly next week is our Yr 13 students last 4 days of school (ever)! They have accumulated many Gold Awards over the years and are now cashing them in to have their last few days in themed mufti outfits. Have a look at the photos they look great!
A Prayer for Year 13
Loving God, as our Yr 13 graduates come together next week to celebrate their times at High School, may they feel the joy that this accomplishment brings. May their future be filled with great happiness and faith. We ask all this through Jesus our Lord and Saviour. Amen.
A reminder, if you haven't already, could you please email a photo of your child's vaccination card/proof to: paula.smith@johnpaul.ac.nz; for her to add to our records. I have attached the Privacy Statement below regarding the gathering of this information, it will also be published on our website, follow this link: https://hail.to/john-paul-ii-high-school/publication/21gPpqB
Kia Kaha
Angela Sloane