by Sarah Gilbert

Middle's News

In two weeks time, we will bid farewell to Kirsty Anderson and wish her the best for her future living in Christchurch and working at Broadfield school.

Kirsty has taught at Kaikorai Primary School for 8 and a half years and in that time she has worked with a range of ages. Most of her time has been spent working in the Middles although she will be missed tremendously by students and staff in all areas of the school, due to the many contributions she makes on the sports field, courts, lunchtime activities and of course her work with Room 5 and within the whole school. She will be especially missed by Room 5 because the whole class really, really love the stories she tells, the songs they sing, the sports and games they play with her, as well as all of the great learning that they do in Room 5.

Over the last three weeks it has been business as usual in the Middles with the exception of Book Week. Each day the children have had another teacher visit their class to read them a story and have met with another class for buddy reading.

We were amazed at the age of the oldest book and the size of the smallest book which circulated around the school on Wednesday.

The children have really enjoyed this and we hope that it has encouraged lots of talk at home about books and authors.

Looking ahead…

Next term we will see the return of Kaikville. This was a great success two years ago and we are really looking forward to planning and running our market day. In the lead up to Kaikville, the children will run class bank accounts. This will enable them to learn the value of the dollar by understanding that goods and services have a cost, as well as the importance of saving. In 2015 we called upon parents to come in as experts to help us with the various companies operating in our society. Some of the companies included a bank, radio station, hair salon, and a cafe. If you have any skills that you think might contribute to Kaikville, don’t hesitate to get in touch with your child’s teacher.