Khandallah School - February 3, 2021
On 16th October 2017 Khandallah School implemented an Enrolment Scheme, as directed by the Ministry of Education under section 11H(1) of the Education Act 1989. The details of which can be found here.
Please complete and return forms and relevant information to the school office, 20 Clark Street, Khandallah, Wellington. It is important that you include all the following information:
Application for Enrolment . Please click on this link
Permission Authority.
New Zealand Birth Certificate or Passport.
Immunisation Certificate (This can be found in your child’s Well Child book).
Proof of Residential Address (an original document such as an electricity bill, rates bill, rental agreement, bank statement or another document which has your name and address on it).
If your child is turning 5, you will be contacted prior to starting to arrange pre-school visits. We recommend that your child has at least two visits prior to starting school.
If your child is transferring from another school, a date of commencement will be arranged with you.
Out of Zone Enrolments
We currently have spaces in some areas across our school for out of zone enrolments. If you currently live outside our school zone and you would like your child to attend Khandallah School, please make contact with the school office to see if there are out of zone places available. Places are usually available for new entrant children and depending on space in other year levels. Parents wishing to enrol their children are encouraged to contact the school principal early for details, ideally 6-12 months before their start date.
Transition to School Process
When you enroll at Khandallah School, one of the junior school teaching team will make contact with you to arrange your child’s school visits. This is done by signing up via a Google Form. You can opt into as many school visits as you would like. A range of dates and times are generally available.
During your school visits, we ask that you stay with your child on site. You will experience our normal program and teachers will be able to discuss with you what you are seeing and how it fits into our bigger program. If we have a number of school visits, we may run a special parent session on an aspect of Khandallah School life.
As well as school visits, one of our team will visit your child at the Early Childhood Centre within the Wellington region. This gives us a great opportunity to see your child in their current centre, chat with the profile teacher and learn more about them and make connections to them.
If your child starts during the school year, stationary is provided by the school, including a book bag, which is invoiced to you. You are more than welcome to buy your own book bag too. This stationary pack will have everything your child needs for the remainder of the school year.
How to Prepare Your Child to Start School:
Your child does not need to have a wide range of academic skills to start school. The following are things that are helpful, but not essential things, that support your child in the transition to school:
Being able to write or recognise their name
Being able to pack their bag independently, and repack it at the end of the day
Being able to put on and take off clothing items, in particular jackets, coats and shoes independently
Being able to change themselves
Being able to open and close their lunchbox, containers and packets of food