King's Week
Up-Coming Events13 May
14 May
15 May
Darin Smith
Read More
Vicki Jopson
John Barr
Christopher Darcy Read
Holger Korth
At King's teaching and learning will conclude at 12.35pm. Students who do need to remain on our school campus until 3pm will be required to head to the school Library where non-union members will supervise students.
Debbie Vercoe
Jo Dryden
Buy your Tickets now!
Rachel Campbell
Sunday, 26 and Monday, 27 May
Jo Barnsdale
Your purchase of any item helps to support the school and provide extra activities for students.
Sandy Wallace
Jeremy White
Open to everyone and entry is free
Matu Pene
David Sefton
Mark Greenfield
Some rights reserved King's High School , 2024