Spiritual Formation at KingsWay School
One of the key distinctions of KingsWay School is the pursuit of the spiritual transformation of individuals in our communities.
Visit this articleOne of the key distinctions of KingsWay School is the pursuit of the spiritual transformation of individuals in our communities.
Visit this articleWhile an exercise to itemise the allocation of the Special Character donation spending may appear to be a useful and manageable endeavour, it is impossible to analyse the exact targeted spending of funds for several reasons:
Visit this articleOnce again I extend warmest greetings to you from your Board. A key focus of the board has been to ensure our school provides a rich variety of learning opportunities for our students and an environment which supports their learning.
Visit this articleThe Senior School Hairspray production was a great success in so many ways. Here are some of the personal experiences, written by cast members:
Visit this articleIn July this year, a group of 12 students and 4 adults travelled to Malawi for two weeks on a mission trip. Mr Daniel reflects on the experience:
Visit this articleOn behalf of KingsWay School we would like to extend a huge thank you to all the coaches, managers and parents who supported the Tournament Week sports' teams. Without you, our students would not be able to have these unforgettable experiences.
Visit this articleIn 2017, the staff at KingsWay were provided with access to Right Now Media on a trial basis. According to the organisation, “RightNow Media has studies for small groups, families, students, leadership development, and much more. Our content comes from over 250 top Christian publishers and ministries. And we produce exclusive studies and training just for you and your church. We hope to help you equip and disciple the people of your church”.
Visit this articlePlease support the following Young Enterprise Groups:
Visit this articleThe ‘You Are’ Hibiscus Coast, three day conference held in July, marked the seventh year of working with teenage girls to empower and equip them to discover their God given potential.
Visit this articleHere is all the information Senior Students need in order to book an appointment with Cherie Perrow for careers guidance:
Visit this articleThe House Council would like to thank all those families who generously gave to our Can Drive this Term. We collected 1,413 cans of various foods which will be used by Love Soup who provide free and nutritious meals to low-income people, mainly families and the elderly, who need help to put food on the table.
Visit this articleTo encourage more girls to consider careers in Science, Engineering, Maths and Technology, KingsWay girls were given the opportunity to attend a GirlBoss Conference at KingsWay.
Visit this articleAbigail Cotton, Year 11, plays in AFL New Zealand Youth. This year she is playing in the over 16 Year grade and plays at North Harbour Auckland with team members from schools all over north Auckland. She started in September 2017 and loves it.
Visit this articleEden Laing, in Year 13, describes her exciting trip to CalArts in America. Eden applied for the Animation program which only takes 60 students worldwide. Eden is pictured above, circled in red.
Visit this articleCyber experts battle evil drones in 2018 challenge...
Visit this articleCongratulations to Haum Kim who placed second in the regional ‘Kiwi Kids Can Cook’ competition.
Visit this articleCheck out this impressive video created by Nathanael Brown - Year 11 at KingsWay School.
Visit this articleCheck out the exciting NEW programmes for Term 4:
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