Te Puna o te Kī - Māori Expression
Jenni Hammonds - May 29, 2023
Te Puna o Te Kī is a program where ākonga learn the expressive nature of te reo Māori. They’ll learn about the oral nature of the language, as well as how communication, history and stories were expressed and passed down in a range of creative forms such as ngā toi - whakairo (carvings), rāranga (weaving), and waiata (song).
After an introduction programme will focus on several forms of traditional expression, for example, kīwaha - the use of idioms and sayings, pepeha- the introduction of self and place, and whakataukī - the metaphoric language.
Students will learn traditional ways of communicated and why, and then be supported to write their own modern day interpretation. Ākonga will then have the opportunity to combine other creative talents - waiata (singing), whakaari (performance), toi (art & design), whaikōrero (public speaking) etc - as a means of creatively expressing their writing.