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Kōtui Ako | Virtual Learning Network Aotearoa

Kōtui Ako | Virtual Learning Network Aotearoa Pānui June 2024

Nau mai, haere mai ki te Kōtui Ako | Virtual Learning Network Aotearoa

Kia ora koutou katoa, Kia orāna, Talofa lava, Malo e lelei, Nĭ hăo 你好, Annyoung haseyo 안녕하세요, Namaste, Assalām alaikum, Hola, Bonjour, Hallo!

✨️Mānawatia a Matariki ✨️

Matariki is a time to remember the past; to celebrate with loved ones; and plan for the future. We lead our newsletter sharing recent professional learning with Tewaiehu, Kaiarahi Mātauranga Māori. If you don't know the purakau or whakapapa of Matariki, or the meaning behind each of the Matariki stars, this is recommended viewing over Matariki weekend.

"Through listening comes awareness,
Through awareness comes understanding,
Through understanding comes knowledge,
Through knowledge comes life and well-being." 

We are seeking interest from schools with students in Years 5-8 who are fluent in reo Māori. Te Whare Rūmaki o Kōtui Ako is open to schools without their own rumaki or access to specialist Māori support. We welcome expressions of interest from schools with ākonga who may be keen to participate.

Learning Languages Week has passed and we celebrated everything special about learning second languages, especially our wonderful e-teachers who make the magic happen for our learners. You can look back on the week's celebration on our Facebook page. We are proud to share the story of e-teacher Gayleen and her lifetime of learning and teaching languages.

Experienced e-teacher, Morgan Scott, shares a little about himself and his passion for "all things geo".

Meet Darcy McCully, a student devoted to her passion; protecting the environment!

Attending NZEI Rural Teaching Principals was a highlight for Rachel Whalley (Primary ePrincipal). It was wonderful to meet many of our Kōtui Ako member school Principals in person and connect faces with names.

Lucie and Rachel were invited to speak at a FLANZ (Flexible Learning Association of New Zealand) webinar on our work in New Zealand schools. Find out more about the Kōtui Ako VLN story and our work with ākonga across Aotearoa.

Finally, our Annual Reports for 2023 are now available. We look back into the year that was, celebrate today and plan for the future!

Mānawatia a Matariki ✨️

Rachel, Amanda and the Kōtui Ako VLN team


Matariki from Hubble telescope

Matariki, a peak behind the stars

by Jenni Hammonds

In te ao Māori, the star cluster signifying the new year holds deep cultural and spiritual significance. Listen to Tewaiehu Savage, Kaiarahi Mātauranga Māori, as she unpacks several layers of understanding for Kōtui Ako educators.

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Image attribution: Lake Rerewhakaaitu School

Te Whare Rumaki o Kōtui Ako - tūhono mai e te whānau

by Rachel Whalley

Nau mai, piki mai koutou katoa ki tēnei akomanga, ki tēnei whare ako. We have an exciting opportunity for kura and ākonga around the motu to join our Rūmaki class.

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A lifetime of learning languages

by Jenni Hammonds

Gayleen has been an eTeacher with us for over 8 years. She is a linguistics expert, speaking and teaching five languages. She was born and bred in Auckland, but has lived and studied abroad with scholarships to study the languages in France, Germany and Japan which has enriched her profession. This year Gayleen is teaching two online French classes.

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Morgan Scott - Profile Picture

E-teacher Profile: Morgan Scott

by Amanda King

Introducing Morgan Scott, e-teacher from Campion College

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E-student Profile: Darcy McCully

by Amanda King

Introducing Darcy McCully from Ashburton College

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NZEI Rural Teaching Principals Conference

NZEI Rural Teaching Principals Conference

by Rachel Whalley

I recently had the privilege of participating in this conference alongside my rural Principal colleagues. It was awesome to see so many of our Kōtui Ako member school Principals there and to put faces to the names 😊

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Video: Virtual schooling in Aotearoa New Zealand: The Kōtui Ako VLN story

Virtual schooling in Aotearoa New Zealand: The Kōtui Ako VLN story

by Rachel Whalley

We were recently invited to speak at a FLANZ (Flexible Learning Association of New Zealand) webinar on our work in New Zealand schools. Read on to find out more FLANZ and view the recorded webinar and resources.

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2023 Annual Reports

by Rachel Whalley

We recently held our AGM and presented our Annual Reports for 2023. Thanks to our Governance Group for their experienced guiding hand. Read our ePrincipals' report on the year that was and our full set of annual reports attached.

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