Library Week by Liz James

School Library Week 7 - 11 August 2023

Taking place over 4 days, a Medieval Scavenger Hunt saw participants scouring entries in an explorer’s notebook. Next they were time travelling through the Viking Empire, the Byzantine Empire, the Holy Roman Empire and the Ming Dynasty.

Logan Park Time Travellers were challenged to decipher Runes, use Caesar Cipher, the Dewey Decimal System and to study maps in search of answers. Many thanks to Hugo Todd, creator of the scavenger hunt.

Library Week activities ran during intervals and lunchtimes over the course of the week and included favourite challenges such as Guess the Book in a Jar, Match the Teacher with Their Favourite Book, and Blackout poetry.

On Wednesday we welcomed a large number of students dressed in literary-themed costumes. Prize for Best Dressed went to Anya McKinney, while runners-up were Nikola Stone and Wilhelm Mutch.

Bringing our School Library Week to a close on Friday was the much anticipated Literature Quiz. Of the 9 competing teams, student team, James Hurley tied with teacher team, Aged & Concerned.

The support of our Library Prefects, Hugo Todd, River Mein, Finlay McGilchrist, Sasha Barnes-Gardner and Ronglei Liu was invaluable.