NZ Physics and Mathematics Competition by Janine Hills

NZ Physics and Mathematics Competition

On the 27th May a group of Logan Park students took part in the New Zealand Physics and Mathematics Competition. NZPMC is a nationally standardised Physics and Mathematics competition open to all secondary students across Aotearoa. The questions are designed to guide and challenge young Kiwi Scientists to extend their interests in Physics and Mathematics.

It is a two round competition, with the Round 1 being an online test comprising of 40 multiple choice questions. Successful students are then invited to participate in Round 2 of the competition which was held in-person at The University of Canterbury. Five Logan Park Students students gained high enough grades in Round 1 and were invited to participate in Round 2.

For further information on the competition and workshops that NZPMC offer go to

Congratulations to all those that entered the competition. A special mention to the following prize winners:

6th place overall NZ Junior division: Miskei Honjo (Y11)

Distinction results:

Fergus Macdiarmid (Y10)

Odin Hyink (Y10)

Aidan Dixon (Y11)

Bodhi Boroughf (Y9)