
4 Articles


Technology DepartmentNovember 17, 2015

The Technology Department warmly welcomed some new staff this year and it has been a pleasure to work alongside them in their specific Technology areas as mentioned below. The Digital Technology room will be finally moving to the Technology Block at the end of 2015 and this is sure to enhance the department by every Technology area being under the one roof! Technology has been consumed in an array of exciting projects and events which have definitely been keeping everyone very busy this year. They are as follows: Read More

Uni of Otago Information Science Technology Awards

Arnika HazelwoodJuly 26, 2015

Congratulations to our 2 teams who won 2 of the top 3 awards in the University of Otago Information Science Technology Challenge at the end of Term 2. Year 13 Digital Technology students Zak Booth, Rani Cohen and Michael Lagocki won Best Knowledge of Technology Award and Harrison Kennedy, Aiden Fisher and Nik Ahmad Sabry won The Audience Favourite Award. Read More

Snap Shots in Technology

Andy ParsonsMay 18, 2015

The Technology rooms were buzzing term in Term 2.  Read More

Creation of the Motard (Pocket Bike)

Dylan Deans Bennett and Jonty HorwellMarch 30, 2015

It was the start of Term 2, 2014 when our pocket bike kit finally arrived, but unfortunately there were no instructions. Therefore we were two men on a mission to fully design and build the best (and only) bike ever created (in the LPHS metal workshop).  Read More

LPHS Magazine 2015