Accessible version
by Dinah Wallis


Dinah Wallis - June 20, 2019

Kowhai is ready to begin their e-ako adventure in Maths.

Thanks to Rhona we now all have usernames and passwords for e-ako.  This is a website set up by the New Zealand Ministry of Education for students to learn and practice math skills and strategies.  

This is a great site which is not and a game-based platform

If you get something wrong you can press retry and try the ones you got wrong again!

The students are able to have one day at school where they are able to work on e-ako so we encourage students to use this at home.  

Students earn trophies by earning points and completing pathways while practicing Math.

Kowhai parents will need to google e-ako then your tamariki will need to know their username and password, this is available at school to them in a printed form.