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by Dinah Wallis


Lyttelton Primary School - December 31, 2023

Enrolling your child at school is an exciting time. We look forward to working with you and your child to help their learning thrive.

Welcome to the first stage of enrolling your child at Lyttelton Primary School.

Please complete our Online Enrolment Form

This is a provisional enrolment form which can be a confirmed enrolment once the following documents are sighted:

  • A copy of the eligibility document for your child.  This can be either:

    •      NZ birth certificate or NZ passport (if NZ citizen)

    •      Australian passport (if Australian citizen) or

    •      NZ residency permit or NZ student visa/permit and Parental work permit (if the child is not a NZ citizen).

  • Proof of your address (if in zone e.g., utilities bill, rental/sales agreement).

  • Immunisation certificate

  • A copy of any Court Order Documents (if applicable)

Please email these documents to our school office: 

Please visit our school website to see more information and a map of our school zone: Enrolment Zone Boundaries

New Entrant Starting School

Lyttelton Primary implements a Cohort Entry enrolment policy for children who are between 5 and 6 starting school. There are 8 intake entry dates across the year, the first day and the mid-day of each term - 2024 Entry Dates

It is helpful to have your child enrolled at school at least six months before they turn five so we can plan for their transition to school.

When you contact us about enrolment  you will be invited to meet with Jenny Felton, our Principal, have a tour of the learning spaces and introduced to your child’s teacher(s).  Your child’s home teacher will be in contact with you to arrange school visits and discuss what happens in the learning area in preparation for your child starting school. These visits are generally during the four weeks before turning five. Your child will meet the children in their class and join in with the programme. This time is very positive and important in their transition to school.

Transferring / Starting School for older students

As above please contact us as soon as possible if your child will be transferring from another school so we can make transition as smooth as possible.

Please contact the school office to make the first step on this journey:

Kate Walker – School Secretary

phone – 03 929 0588  
email –