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by Jenny Felton

Te Ahi Ora - Fire Dancing

Chester, Jamie & Kieran - March 17, 2023

On Tuesday and Wednesday we got to participate in learning how to fire dance.

We went to the astro turf and grabbed the practice staff. We learnt the basic throw and spin. Next we learnt the wrist rap (which is a spin around your wrist). We also learned harder stuff like doing a spin while throwing the staff in the air and the arm and neck wrap. Then it was the end of our session.

At lunch the fire dancers did a little performance on the grassy they used a sword, poi, dragon and staff - with fire!

At 6:00pm people who chose to do it with fire got to go to the grassy. Tom (is an instructor) took the poi and did something that could fire a rap.

Jamie’s perspective

We all gathered around the rope guarding us from getting through. We watched the instructors who had taught us do a show. After that we lined up to have a turn with fire. My experience of the fire dancing was so fun. I went in and did a couple of arm wraps and then I chucked the fire stick up into the air. At first I dropped it. It was a bit scary but then I got used to it and chucked it up again. This time I did catch it. I was so happy. It was the most fun I had at school this week. After a bit, my fire ran out and I went to the back of the line to wait for my next turn.

Keiran's perspective

I used my Mum's fire poi on the first night. I hit myself 5 times and only used one at a time and when my first poi went out I looked around for the other one.