by Mana Media

Year 10 Food Technology's MKR Competition Term Four.

Mana MediaNovember 25, 2017

In this competition students planout and create their own Instant Restaurants based on their chosen theme and serve a two course meal to their selected guests of parents, friends and staff. 

 Jasmine Leigh, Tracey Byron, Tineka Smaling, Saskia Burton and Elysse Hollever created a wedding themed Instant Restaurant complete with food, cake, a service and entertainment.

Shane Cook and Tyrone Thomas created an Italian themed Instant Restaurant and served pizza and fries with a brownie for dessert.  

Trent Watson, Harmony Syme and Jemma Bennett created a Kiwiana themed Instant Restaurant and served steak, eggs and chips with a cookie brownie and ice cream for dessert and there was even an All Blacks game playing  for the guests to enjoy!


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Manawatu College Yearbook 2017