Young Enterprise Regional Awards
MGC Students take out YES regional finals!
Visit this articleStaff Only Day: Monday 11 November. School closed for instruction.
The 2024 Cultural Prize Giving was held on Wednesday 25th September 2024.
Visit this articleThe 2024 Sports Prize Giving was held on Wednesday 16th October.
Visit this articleWe are nearing one month since our 27 awesome participants cut and shaved off their hair for the Combined Colleges Shave For A Cure Campaign.
Visit this articleThe last day of Term 3 saw the annual 'House Choir' competition taking place. And what a competition it was!
Visit this articleMGC Students Shine at Marlborough Aquabot Regional Competition
Visit this articleDuring the holidays, some of the Silver Duke of Edinburgh students went on a three day tramp in the Cobb Valley (Golden Bay).
Visit this articleTwo of our students have been selected as youth judges for the DANZ (Diversity in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand) Children's Book Awards.
Visit this articleWe all want students to thrive and be resilient and active members of your whānau and our community.
Visit this articleWe have all heard of microplastics, but have you realised how close they are to your own home? How much contamination is in the waters that surround Aotearoa?
Visit this articleOn Tuesday 15th October our Mountains to the Sea / Ki uta ki tai (MSB) class visited the Grovetown Lagoon / Te Whanau Hau to learn more about the Grovetown Lagoon Restoration Project.
Visit this articleThe Year 9 Make Her Space group worked steadily through the final week of Term 3 and the first week of Term 4.
Visit this articleThis week we held an end of year celebration for our student Librarians, and to say goodbye to our year 13 leaders Aria Millen and Sylvie Crowe.
Visit this articleWe now use Kindo to make school payments easy and we encourage all our families to have a myKindo account.
Visit this articleWe have two new student representative on the Board of Trustees for the 2024/2025 year.
Visit this articleDuring term 4, we have several policies up for review by Parents/Whānau.
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