Connexions November 2023
Connexional Office
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Christian World Service
Somawathie is the heart of this year’s Christmas Appeal.
Viv Whimster
At a meeting of the Methodist Lay Preachers Network Convenors with the Mission Resourcing Directors in October, there was some discussion around basic training being offered in English-speaking parishes for Lay Preacher training.
Scarlet Mollan
Kia Tīmata Pai is a gold-standard research study looking into the impact of self-regulation and oral language interventions for young children in early childcare centres across Aotearoa.
Linda Hall, Correspondence Secretary for NZLPA
How to prepare a message that has interest and practical application
Carol Barron
I am proud to be a member of a Church that recognises Te Tiriti o Waitangi as a covenant that established our power-sharing relationship and has structures that support and promote this power -sharing.
“Since its beginnings at the end of 1945, Christian World Service has been a vehicle for change.
The Methodist LP Network Convenors are inviting all Lay Preachers from all Synods and kaikarakia, experienced, in-training or anyone simply interested to the Methodist Lay Preachers Network Annual Gathering by zoom on Monday 4 December 2023 at 19.00 (7:00pm).
Philip, Philip Garside Publishing Ltd
We’d like to tell ministers and worship leaders about this new RCL-based worship resource that replaces Seasons of the Spirit.
Climate Justice Working Group
Here it is. What you’ve all been waiting for! The Climate Justice Working Group is excited to announce the production of another calendar for 2024.
Rev Dr Tim Pratt, National Director
Christian World Service has launched an emergency appeal to assist people who have been affected by the current conflict in the Middle East, particularly Gaza.
CWS launched an appeal after major earthquakes in the Herat Province. People have lost family members and their homes.
Thanks to everybody who attended the annual Supporters’ Council in Ȭtepoti Dunedin or by Zoom.
Gifts of love are an opportunity to buy big gifts and small. From an elephant to some seeds, there is a gift for everyone. Take a look at Gifted and see how many you can give!
Feunai Brunt
Auckland Tamaki Makaurau Central District Women Fellowship started in 2018 at Wesley Roskill Methodist Church with 9 members, and with Mt Albert Fellowship in 2019 to early 2020 jointly ran social events, and now in 2023 our group's membership includes women from Mt Eden, Epsom, Kingsland, Waterview and Mt Albert Parishes.
Paul Trebilco, Head of Theology Programme, Professor of New Testament Studies
The Theology Programme at the University of Otago offers many opportunities for the study of Christian Theology, both on-campus and to many students across New Zealand through our successful distance study programme.
Your invited to the 75th Celebration of Epworth Retreat and Recreation Centre
Julie Roberts
We are looking for 210 people to give $2.10 for the 24 days of Advent ($50) All they asked was that we should continue to remember the poor, the very thing I had been eager to do all along. Galatians 2:10 Are you one of them? Galatians 2:10-living faith.
In a humble acceptance of the Kiwi Bank's Local Hero Award, Margaret, the heart and soul of Lifewise's Merge Community initiatives, deflects the spotlight, declaring, "It's not about me, it's a team effort."
Yohana Virgoanto - Chief Executive Assistant
Care Suite and Apartment Living Open Days Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th November 2023 10.00am - 2.00pm
Thank you for the generous response to our Gaza Palestine Appeal.
Some rights reserved Methodist Church of New Zealand , 2024