Connexions August 2023
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Gillian Southey
Rev Tony Frankin-Ross
"Let Justice and Peace Flow" is the theme chosen for Season of Creation 2023, the ecumenical celebration we hold each year from September 1, World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, to October 4th, the feast of St. Francis of Assisi
Rosalie Sugrue
It was a free magazine handed out to NZ Methodist Sunday School children in the 1950s and 60s. Its 15 pages were filled with stories, letters and photos of missionaries working in the Pacific Islands.
Mornington Methodist Women's Fellowship
The Mornington Methodist Women’s Fellowship (MWF) in Dunedin is a vibrant and devoted group of women who have played a pivotal role in the life of the Mornington church and the wider community since the Women’s Fellowship establishment in the early 20th century.
Connexional Office
Ady Shannon
Now that we have transitioned from a printed publication to online only, I encourage you to share the links to the latest online edition of Touchstone in synod and / or parish communications.
Te Rito Peyroux-Semu
We all need to reflect on where we have come from, who nurtured us and the tales we can tell. It's all tied in with our roots and our upbringing.
John Thornley
3-Part Series on hymns of Aotearoa Published by the New Zealand Hymnbook Trust
Julie Roberts
Matthew 7:24 “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.”
Marie Smith
Viv Whimster
These suggestions on changes for accreditation in English-speaking Parishes were circulated by email to all Lay Preachers, in a notification in the Connexional email in July and outlined to some Synod Superintendents at their July retreat.
Lower North Island Synod
Zines and beyond for doing theology Workshop With David Bell and Lavinia Elder
Climate Justice Working Group
Does your party have a 5-year plan on the climate crisis issue? If so, what is it and what are the measurable steps that you will take towards it?
Andrew Gamman
With the urgency of the climate crisis upon us, in September churches might consider following the alternative lectionary themes provided for the Season of Creation.
Carol Barron
I hope that you have seen a copy of the resource that the Methodist Alliance working group campaigning to increase benefit levels and abatement thresholds have created.
Trudy Downes
It has been almost four years since Whakaari erupted and claimed so many lives, and irrevocably affected so many more. The judge-alone trial is currently underway for the remaining WorkSafe prosecutions, and we should take notice.
Some rights reserved Methodist Church of New Zealand , 2024