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In terms of New Zealand “feel good” movies Red, White and Brass has been labelled as one of the best to hit our cinemas in recent times and its humble beginnings were driven by Methodists.
Read MoreOver the past year we have regularly invited Touchstone readers to consider reading each issue online to mitigate the double impact of increasing printing and distribution costs, combined with dwindling cash reserves. Methodist Conference last year affirmed the Publishing Board’s proposal to introduce a subscription model of $1.50 (+ GST if applicable) per copy, effective from July 2023. This will offset some of our production costs and - perhaps even more importantly – bring us a step closer to achieving our goal of producing zero waste.
Given the administration costs involved in managing this new subscription model, we will only send papers to those parishes / organisations that commit to a minimum of five copies per month, for 11 issues per annum.
I realise that not all readers will be happy with this decision, however MCNZ is to my knowledge the only church in Aotearoa still producing and distributing a free monthly publication. We have resisted requesting financial support from our readers for as long as possible.
As MPB Chair, Rev Kathryn Walters, wrote in a letter sent out with this issue of Touchstone, “We hung in there as long as we could and still believe that this newspaper adds value to the Church, to its people and the wider community. We hope that you do too.”
I hope you will continue to find inspiration in the articles shared in Touchstone, and that you will find a way to access the content, either by sharing copies of the paper, or links to the online platforms.
On the theme of inspiration, this evening a group of us from the Connexional Office are looking forward to attending the movie Red White and Brass in Christchurch. New MPB member Felonitesi Manukia – a former journalist with the NZ Herald, Siaolo volunteer and member Vahefonua and Auckland Methodist Tongan parish - captured the spirit and passion behind what is being hailed as ‘a gem of a movie that will inspire generations to come’. It’s a great story.
I wish all our readers a blessed Easter.
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