Starting School – Tips for Parents
- Talk to your child about starting school where he/she will meet new friends, play games, sing, and make interesting things.
- Help your child to learn how to put on clothing and care for personal belongings – tie shoe laces, put clothes in their own bag, etc.
- Label clearly all possessions your child will bring to school with his/her full name – raincoats, hats, uniforms, bags, cases, plastic bottles, etc. Be sure to check from time to time whether the label is still intact and legible. Avoid glassware.
- Send your child to school on time each and every day. Be prepared to say goodbye for the day before school starts. If your child is upset to see you go, encourage them to play with others, and be firm. In most cases, an upset child will settle very quickly and have a great day. We will always phone you if there is a continued problem.
- Give your child duties to perform in and around the home which require only one or two simple directions. This will give him/her confidence to complete small tasks.
- Encourage children to be responsible for putting school equipment in the right place, e.g. bookbags in the bookbag box, lunch orders in the lunchroom box, etc.
- Encourage your child by admiring his/her work when he/she brings it home. Give his/her painting or model a place of honour for a few days.
- Select good stories to read to him/her regular picture books for him/her to browse through, and T.V. programmes to look at and discuss with you. Read the school reader with them each night, with lots of praise and enjoyment.
- When reading to them or giving them instructions, make sure they are listening.
- Some children are told by their parents that they will learn to read and write as soon as they come to school and are disappointed when this is not accomplished on the first day – warn your child that it takes time.