Steps for Enrolment
N.B. It is important to note that an application for enrolment may be declined or an enrolment annulled if the Board believes on reasonable grounds that:
False information has been given as to the student’s usual place of residence; or
A temporary address for the student has been given for the purpose of gaining enrolment at the school. (section 11OA Education Act 1989)
Complete the Online Enrolment Form
This is a provisional enrolment form based on the following information provided to the school, within one week of the enrolment application being completed online.
Download and complete the Vision and Hearing Testing form below
Download and complete the Statement of Usual Place of Residence in Zone below
Email the following to
1. A copy of the eligibility document for your child (original to be sighted by Milford School staff).
NZ birth certificate or NZ passport (if NZ citizen) or
Australian passport (if Australian citizen) or
NZ residency permit or
NZ student visa/permit and parental work permit (if the child is not a NZ citizen) and the international passport and date of arrival into NZ.
2. Statement of Usual Place of Residence
Proof of your in zone address:
Owner Occupied Property
a copy of the solicitor's final settlement letter if the purchase has been within the last 3 months
Two recent utility bills that contain your name and the in-zone address.
Rental Property OR House Share
A bond receipt from Tenancy Services confirming lodgement of the bond (ph 0800 737 666 for a copy). Please note that we require the official bond lodgment receipt from Tenancy Services. While applicants may have paid their bond to a managing agent and possess corresponding receipts, the Tenancy Services receipt is essential for verification and compliance.
Two recent utility bills that contain your name and the in-zone address.
In addition we also require:
Rental Property - A copy of your Tenancy Agreement with a minimum of one-year fixed term, including the 12 months from the time your child will start school.
House or Flat Share - a copy of your Flat Share Tenancy Agreement with a minimum tenancy of one year fixed-term (including the 12 months from the time your child will start school ).
3. A copy of immunisation details/records
4. Vision and Hearing Form
In addition:
All enrolments must sign two Statutory Declarations, one on the enrolment form and the second to confirm your in-zone address.
Recent utility power or gas bills or other supporting documents may also be requested.
A copy of any Court Order or Custody Arrangement Documents (if applicable).
Milford School maintains high standards for enrolment to ensure compliance with legal obligations and uphold the integrity of our enrolment process. Therefore, all applications for enrolment must be accompanied by complete and verifiable documentation, as outlined above.
Only complete applications or those with sufficient evidence of residency within the school's zone will be processed. The school reserves the right to decline any enrolment application that does not meet these requirements.
The school has a zero-tolerance policy regarding falsifying documents or arrangements for enrolment purposes. Any suspected fraudulent activity will be promptly referred to the appropriate authorities for investigation.
We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring a fair and transparent enrolment process for all families.
Ngā mihi nui