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Relevant Research - April 2023

Welcome to this month's issue featuring a selection of staff and learner research. Our kaimahi | staff and ākonga | learners continue to grapple with issues that are important to people in our communities.

You might be wondering about the title of our feature article "Decolonising computing". Why does computing need decolonising? And what might that look like?  Professor Samuel Mann, Mawera Karetai and Rachel McNamara explain why it matters, and make a valuable contribution to the discussion about how it might be done, so that everyone benefits.

Thank you for reading Relevant Research.

Scott Klenner
Tumuaki Rakahau - Director Research
ISSN 2624-084X


Screenshot from Mythik Tane game by Vincent Egan

Decolonising computing | Kia wetetāmi rorohiko

by Lesley Brook

New Zealand is missing the value that Māori ways of being and knowing could contribute to computing. Kua mahue a Aotearoa i te whaihua o ngā tikanga me ngā kaupapa Māori ki te ao rorohiko

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Keeping honey runny

by Megan Kitching

When honey cools down, it can crystallise; a honey roller helps keep it liquid.

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Low back pain

Mindbody methods for Fibromyalgia

by David McQuillan

How might mindbody techniques including massage therapy help people with fibromyalgia?

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Queenstown and Lake Wakatipu

Children's mental health

by Lesley Brook

Our Nursing learners have created mental health promotion resources for Queenstown's children.

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by Design Assembly

Design Assembly recently interviewed Communications Design graduate Hina Macmaster.

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Relevant experiential learning

by Bruno Balducci

A recent study explored key concepts of experiential learning with lecturers.

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Visualisation of Māpoutahi Monument design

Representing identity

by Lesley Brook

The design of the spaces we occupy contributes to shaping our identity, individually and collectively.

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Left and background: new works for KAPITAL (2022) by David Green. Right: Choking Hazard (2022) by Michele Beevors.


by Adrian Hall

A group exhibition at the Dunedin School of Art in October 2022 explored issues of global mass consumer culture.

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Simulation in Nursing and the importance of maintaining clinical placements

by Hauora Research

Dr Julie Bowen-Withington, ARA: There is an abundance of literature supporting the use of high-fidelity simulation in health care education using computerised manikins – however, new research shows students are concerned at the idea of simulation replacing clinical practice.

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