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Relevant Research - May 2023

We are looking forward to celebrating Professor Caro McCaw's promotion at her Inaugural Professorial Event in Dunedin on 7 June. You are most welcome to join us. Please click here for more details and to register.

Then on 29 and 30 June we are hosting a Teaching Excellence Symposium, in Dunedin and online. Please register by 21 June if you would like to attend.

We are also pleased to announce that the scope of Relevant Research is changing to an OPSITARA publication, reflecting our closer relationship with our colleagues at Southern Institute of Technology (SIT) and Ara Institute of Canterbury in the southern region of Te Pūkenga. The acronym OPSITARA has been used for several years already for our combined annual research symposium. We hope you enjoy reading more about the research by kaimahi (staff) and ākonga (learners) across the greater region.

Scott Klenner
Tumuaki Rakahau - Director Research
Otago Polytechnic and Ara Institute of Canterbury
ISSN 2624-084X


Caring for older persons

Caring for older adults

by Lesley Brook

Recent research has explored student nurse perceptions of working with older adults.

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Different Light Theatre

Learning disabled theatre

by Lesley Brook

A new book offers insight into how the contribution of learning disabled artists can be negotiated in contemporary theatre.

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Wine vats

Wine fermentation

by Lesley Brook

Gathering frequent and accurate data will help give winemakers more control over fermentation processes.

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Bold and bright

by Charlotte Burt

Communications Design student Charlotte Burt reflects on her final year project.

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Onwards and upwards

by Lesley Brook

Modern machines need high quality electrical control systems.

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In the dogbox

by Lesley Brook

A custom dogbox was Jack Todd's final year Product Design project.

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Prof Leoni Schmidt, Ako Aotearoa Tertiary Excellence Award winner, with learners

An excellent adventure

by Claire Goode

Claire Goode's doctoral research found common themes in the teaching practice of award-winning tertiary teachers.

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Twin peaks

by Shane Gilchrist

A combination of cutting-edge technology and can-do attitude has provided Dunedin twins Sam and Hudson James-Everton with box seats for one of the world’s most prestigious golf events.

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"We are not strong enough for the rivers and stars", Melanie Rogers Gallery, Auckland

Object lessons

by Lesley Brook

In his paintings Michael Greaves explores similar ideas in different ways as he thinks out loud on canvas.

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Picking nectarines

Transient workers' health

by Lesley Brook

Seasonal workers face barriers to accessing healthcare in rural communities.

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Clyde dam

The Power That Flows Through Us

by Lesley Brook

Jon Wilson worked with Matt Galloway to produce a series of audiovisual works about the Clyde dam.

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