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by OJC

OJC Welcomes New Staff

Ryan Timoko-Benjamin - April 27, 2019

We welcomed five new learning coaches and saw the return of three familiar faces in Term 1; seeing OJC fully staffed for 2019.

A very  warm welcome to the new members of the team, who were officially welcomed at our whole school Mihi Whakatau on 1st February.

  • Irasa Si’ave, Kapua,  Learning Coach 

  • Jenny Kempster, Tohorā, Specialist Classroom Teacher

  • Jane Chi Tar, Tohorā, Specialist Classroom Teacher

  • Alicia Tapu-Tauiliili, Kapua, Languages & Multi-literacies Designer

  • Sharelle Harris,  Learning Assistant

  • Steve Kelly, Aumoana, KDEC Learning Coach

Kelly Price won a study award to complete her Masters studies this year and takes 32 weeks study leave from the end of Term 1. Whaea Pearl Sidwell, who joined us in Term 4 and we were thrilled to retain for 2019, replaces Kelly as a Learning Coach for the school year, in Kapua.

We’re also thrilled to have Aylene FitzGerald back to full-time in 2019 and Gail Snowdon also stays on as a member of the full-time team this year - building and developing our international student placements processes.