OJC Welcomes New Staff
Ryan Timoko-Benjamin - April 27, 2019
A very warm welcome to the new members of the team, who were officially welcomed at our whole school Mihi Whakatau on 1st February.
Irasa Si’ave, Kapua, Learning Coach
Jenny Kempster, Tohorā, Specialist Classroom Teacher
Jane Chi Tar, Tohorā, Specialist Classroom Teacher
Alicia Tapu-Tauiliili, Kapua, Languages & Multi-literacies Designer
Sharelle Harris, Learning Assistant
Steve Kelly, Aumoana, KDEC Learning Coach
Kelly Price won a study award to complete her Masters studies this year and takes 32 weeks study leave from the end of Term 1. Whaea Pearl Sidwell, who joined us in Term 4 and we were thrilled to retain for 2019, replaces Kelly as a Learning Coach for the school year, in Kapua.
We’re also thrilled to have Aylene FitzGerald back to full-time in 2019 and Gail Snowdon also stays on as a member of the full-time team this year - building and developing our international student placements processes.