Otago Community Trust - Christmas eNewsletter 2022

In this issue

Tēnā koutou Otago - Welcome to our Christmas eNewsletter and final sign off for 2022. Inside you will find information on:

  • Our Christmas office closure dates;
  • Our new grantee video taking a closer look at the amazing work of Sticks 'n Stones our very own youth-led anti-bullying organisation in Alexandra;
  • Who and what we funded in our final grants round for December 2022;
  • Our funding clinic calendar for 2023;
  • Our intrepid trustees out and about on the Otago Peninsula;
  • Otago Community Trust staff farewells; 
  • Funding opportunities to make a note of for early 2023;

As always, we encourage community organisations to contact the trust if they have any questions around funding support.

We will take a short break over Christmas and are back on deck from the 9th of January 2023. Mā te wā.
