This month we again bring you a selection of stories illustrating the variety of ways the work of Otago Polytechnic researchers, both staff and students, is benefiting business organisations and the public. 

Three ways to engage with our students are featured in this issue.  You could hire an intern over the summer through the subsidised Sexy Summer Jobs scheme, or work with one of our Masters students with a Callaghan Innovation R&D Fellowship Grant. And there is an opportunity to take advantage of a long range low power wireless network being built by our students.

You will also read about what some of our research staff have are doing, and we highlight the very significant impact achieved by Professor Sally Pairman over many years.

We look forward to your feedback about the newsletter.

Alistair Regan
Director: Research & Enterprise

  1. Making science engaging

    Our innovative science exhibits can be seen in the TechDome Science Centre in Penang, Malaysia. Read more…
  2. Video: What's smart, free, and will soon be all over Dunedin?

    Our Information Technology students are in the process of installing a long range low power wireless network across Dunedin. Read more…
  3. Professional practice development

    Professor Sally Pairman has made a nationally and internationally significant contribution to midwifery practice. Read more…
  4. Growing highly effective managers

    Polson Higgs engaged Otago Polytechnic to develop the leadership skills of their managers. Read more…
  5. Access talent for R&D

    Callaghan Innovation offers R&D Fellowship Grants for businesses to engage Masters and PhD students. Read more…
  6. Coaching high performance sport

    Coaches of all sporting codes are welcome to participate in a High Performance Sport Symposium. Read more…
  7. Giving adults permission to play

    The CLINK Project 3: Collaborism in Auckland engaged visitors, adults and children alike. Read more…