What has Room 3 been up to?
Carolyn Timoko - May 10, 2023
It has been a busy start to Term 2 for Room 3! We have moved to another classroom whilst we wait for our new breakout space and toilet block near Room 3 to be completed.
Our inquiry topic has already been a highlight for many of our tamariki this term. So far we have learnt what machines and animals can fly. Now we are taking our inquiry further by answering questions that we have about flight. A popular question was “how do planes fly?”. Over the next couple of weeks we will be learning how planes and other aircraft fly through some hands-on activities.
During Maths Time we have been learning about measurement. The tamariki used string to measure themselves and find out how tall or short they are compared to their classmates. We plan on keeping these strings on display so that we can find out how much we have grown by the end of the year! In our Maths groups we have been using numicon shapes to build our knowledge about number sequencing and place value.
During Literacy Time we have been continuing to build our confidence by sounding out new words. We have enjoyed reading our new non-fiction books and many tamariki have been choosing can-do activities that involve writing.