Parkview Pārua Partnership
This group is being facilitated by Ashleigh Schuyl who has been working with the school to get this initiative going. To date there are 12-13 parents who are keen to be involved.
The overarching plan is to allow parents to support the school in fundraising activities to benefit our children. There are a number of improvements the school would love to do but lack of funding gets in the way. For example building gardens and innovative play spaces, purchasing library books and playground equipment etc,
One of these activities is to run a school coffee shop. The school has purchased a coffee machine and installed this into the old hall. Parents will be running this and all profits will go directly to the students of our awesome kura. Manu (Bird) Coffee will be launched in the next few weeks and we are looking for as many parents as possible to help out. Initially the group will run this on a Thursday and will be open both before and after school.
This term fundraising events will be a Christmas Raffle and a "Pay My Way Day". These events will be managed by the Partnership team with support of the school. There will be more details to come for these events in the next few weeks. If you want to get on board, we would love to hear from you, please email Ashleigh
We're looking forward to creating a space for our community to connect with Manu coffee and to organising fun events for our tamariki, whilst fundraising for our kura. Thank you for your support whānau!