
Physical Restraint Procedures

Pītau-AllenvaleOctober 9, 2024

This article outlines our procedures in brief with the full procedures attached.

Our procedures for Restraint are a part of our Health and Safety Policy and are compliant with the:

n.b. Seclusion is illegal and is not used at Pītau-Allenvale.

Physical Restraint

Physical restraint is a last resort at Pītau-Allenvale and is only used to prevent harm to self or others.

We prioritise proactive strategies and de-escalation to minimise the need for restraint. In spite of our best efforts, there are times when restraints are required to maintain safety.

Student and staff wellbeing is closely monitored following any restraint.

As per the Rules,

  • All restraints are reported to the whānau on the day.

  • Whānau are offered a written report of the incident and an opportunity to debrief what happened.

  • All restraints are reported to the Ministry of Education.

All incident reports (including those with restraint) are reviewed by the Behaviour Support Specialist Teacher, Psychologist and the Leadership Team.

All restraints reports are reviewed by the Ministry of Education.

Minimising Restraint

Pītau-Allenvale School is committed to the reduction of restraint and providing a safe environment for all ākonga/learners. In order to minimise restraint our kura is taking the following actions:

  • Positive Behaviour 4 Learning School-wide Training (see more here)

  • Team Teach Training training (see below and here)

  • Regular review of all incident reports (including those with restraint) to discuss further training/support as required. This review team includes: Behaviour Support Specialist Teacher, Psychologist and the Leadership Team.

  • Regular review of our procedures to ensure that they are effectively compliant with the Rules. This review team includes: the Board, the Behaviour Support Specialist Teacher, Kaiarataki in charge of Policies and Procedures.

Staff Training

  • All staff are trained to support students in distress.

  • In 2024 we began transitioning to Team Teach Training from Safe Crisis Management (SCM).

  • We train around 60 staff per year and the transition from SCM to Team Teach will be completed in July 2025.

  • Staff training is done over two days in the school holidays.

  • This training ensures that any required restraints are as safe as possible and end as soon as they safely can.

  • Informal refreshers are given throughout the year in hub/class meetings. Additional training may be offered as a result of an incident review.

  • We aim for all staff to complete a full training every two years.

  • Our kura currently maintains 4 instructors who train c.60 staff per year at an annual cost of c.$24,000.

  • From February 2024 there is additional training mandated by the Rules. This training will be covered in staff hui and during the induction of new staff.

Register of Authorised Staff


  • Seclusion is strictly prohibited by law and is not used at Pītau-Allenvale School.

  • Seclusion is defined as: placing a child or student in a room involuntarily, alone and from which they cannot freely exit, or believe they cannot freely exit.


  • Our full policy relating to Physical Restraint is linked here.

  • The MoE has a great guide for parents and whānau linked here.

  • If you have any concerns at any time about the use of Restraint or Seclusion at our kura please contact the principal or follow the Complaints Procedure.

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