Team Teach at Pītau-Allenvale
Pītau-Allenvale - October 9, 2024
What is Team Teach?
Team Teach is a staff training programme that all staff attend for 2-days every 2 years.
The focus of the training is how to minimise student distress and respond safely when students feel overwhelmed, which may include physical guidance.
Team Teach is complimentary to PB4L and both systems support each other.
The images at the end of the article further illustrate Team Teach thinking.
The following video (which we use during training) also highlights the mindset that supports Team Teach Training.
Why Team Teach?
We have been training staff in Safe Crisis Management (SCM) since 2007.
In 2023 we decided to transition to Team Teach as there were more local supports (SCM is US-based)
Team Teach is increasingly the training of choice in NZ specialist schools including our colleagues at Ferndale Te Ahu.
Physical Restraint at Pītau-Allenvale
We believe we meet the gold standard when it comes to adhering to the Education (Physical Restraint) Rules 2023.
Learn more about our Physical Restraint policies and procedures here.
Team Teach Training
We train 60-70 staff a year and will complete our transition to Team Teach (from SCM) in July 2025.
All training is done in-house by our four instructors. Instructors recertificate annually.
Training topics include:
Team Teach Values & Thinking
The Legal Framework in Aotearoa
‘All Behaviour is Communication’
Factors that Influence Behaviour
Stages of a Crisis
Verbal & Non-Verbal Communication
De-escalating and Defusing
Personal Safety and Physical Interventions (personal safety responses, guiding and escorting safely where there is a risk-assessed need)
Repair, Reflection and Review
Learn more about Team Teach at the following links:
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact: