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Riccarton High School

August 2020 Newsletter

Kia ora koutou

My theme for this month is around strong whānau-school relationships and ironically as I write my comments, we are hosting our only Student Achievement Interview Day for 2020. Student achievement is of course built on a 3-way partnership between the students, whānau and us as a school. Today provides the opportunity for 3-way conversations not only around progress which has been made to date but also around future planning with 2021 course selection for senior students taking place before the end of this term. My thanks to those parents who have attended these interviews. For those who couldn’t make it and have questions/queries relating to various subjects, I encourage you to make direct contact with the subject teacher.

For our senior students, prelim exams are just on the horizon, beginning Monday August 24th (you will find further details in this newsletter). Obviously, the prelims are an important way of gauging progress but also identifying what needs to be achieved in the following weeks leading up to the external exams starting 16 November. Once again, a strong whānau-school relationship is required to support our senior students in committing to a robust revision programme and fully preparing for these exams. There are many people throughout the school who can assist with creating these programmes starting with our subject and whānau teachers.

Lastly, I would like to raise an area of concern which does require a strong whānau-school partnership to address. It relates to an increase in the number of cases where students have been found vaping (using electronic cigarettes) on the school grounds. When these students have been interviewed a common theme has emerged, that is, they see vaping as a ‘cool’ thing to do and something which is ‘acceptable’. This issue, which unfortunately is becoming very common in New Zealand schools, requires a strong home/school partnership where together we give our young people the same messages about the harmful effects of vaping. 

From the school’s position, we will continue to use a combination of disciplinary and educational measures with those who are caught vaping or are in possession of a vape. At home, we would encourage discussions around the health dangers associated with vaping (an activity which is also restricted to those 18 years and over). Some parents that I spoken to have also got into the habit of checking bags before students leave for school each morning. An ongoing message regarding our students making positive, health enhancing decisions for themselves and their peers will have a significant impact I am sure.

Ngā mihi nui
Neil Haywood


Welcome back sport!

by Kate Rowlands

The much anticipated resumption of school sport at the end of Term 2 has been met with enthusiasm and excitement by our students with large numbers participating across a range of sports. It has been great to see our senior students stepping up to the challenge of coaching and umpiring as well as the support shown at our home games.

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Kī-o-rahi Tournament

by Logan Lemon

Kī-o-rahi is a traditional Māori game that is growing in popularity through High Schools around New Zealand with its high paced, action-packed quarters involving aspects of touch, football and ultimate frisbee.

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Filipino Parents’ workshop

by Sharnali Atashi Tisi

We are delighted to inform you that our Filipino parents are getting a great opportunity to attend free workshops as part of a project funded by the Ministry of Education.

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Nga tangata

Staff Only Day

by Carole Lake

On Monday, 24 August, there will be a Staff Only Day to provide an opportunity for staff to come together to review the year to date and reflect on the many new initiatives that were implemented at the start of this year.

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Senior Prelim Assessments

by Carole Lake

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University Entrance Literacy

by Elliott Campbell

As the school’s NZQA liaison officer, I have been receiving a number of queries from pupils, and a couple from parents, asking about University Entrance Literacy.

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Sexuality Education - Year 9 and 10

by Sarah Eaton

Sexuality education is one of seven key areas of learning in the Health and Physical Education learning area of The New Zealand Curriculum. It must be included in teaching programmes at both primary and secondary school levels, using the strands and achievement objectives outlined in the curriculum.

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You've heard of Netflix, well we give you Bookflix. What would you add?

Library News

by Sally Blake

Did you know our Library is free to everyone - students and family members. Pop in and check it out.

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International News

by Frances Couling

It has certainly been an interesting year for the International Department. A large intake of new international students usually arrives for term three, but not so in 2020.

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Winter uniform

School Uniform

by Shane Morrow

We are proud of our uniform and wearing it correctly with pride demonstrates respect for our Riccarton Way. All students must wear the full and correct uniform, including footwear at school, to and from school, and when representing the school.

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by RHS

Read on if you would like to support our Riccarton High School Art Stars - Monica Koster (L3 2020) and Quanxin Zhen (L3 2019), by visiting the exhibition or buying a ticket to the opening... at the Creators' Room.

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Brain Busters TV Show

by Bree Smith

We were approached by Whitebait Media earlier this year with an opportunity for our Year 9 students to be involved in the TV show Brain Busters.

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Hall kitchen available for heating lunches

by Rebecca Nicholson

If you want to send in something hot for student lunches – this can now be heated up at school.

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RHS PTA seeks new team members

by Shelly Toms-Elder

The Riccarton PTA seeks new parents to join us. The purpose of the PTA is to create a close association between parents and the school.

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Updating students' details

by RHS

It's important that the school is notified of any changes to your contact details.

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Dropping off in the school grounds is not permitted

by RHS

We specifically ask that parents do not use the Main South Road driveway and the library carpark as a drop-off or pick-up point, or drive onto the school grounds through the main gate (entered from Vicki Street).

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by RHS

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NCEA tutoring from former RHS dux

by Francesca Zhang

NCEA Levels 1-3 private tutoring in maths and sciences (chemistry, biology and physics), UC library or online (Zoom). 2018 RHS Dux and experienced tutor. $30p/h.

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