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Riccarton High School

June 2019 Newsletter

Kia ora Katou.

As I write my comment for the newsletter, over 50,000 teachers nationwide are striking after months of stalled negotiations with the Government. 

I believe that what is required is more acceptance by those who hold the purse strings, that considerable more investment is required to reduce workload, support those dealing with an increased number of students who have significant behavioural or learning needs and make teaching a far more attractive proposition overall. 

Although it must be extremely difficult to meet the demands of so many different sectors within New Zealand, I also hope that common sense will prevail and that a positive resolution to the issues will be found soon.

The first half of the term has certainly been a busy one with the April holidays now a distant memory. 

I spent the first week of the holidays with 1,200 other delegates from 24 countries at the World Edulead Conference in Singapore. I must say that it was quite refreshing to spend time listening to some world-renowned speakers and discussing the future of education in a global sense; something that will be quite challenging but also very exciting! There were some interesting facts which emerged from the Conference:

These facts certainly provide us with food for thought as we continue our vision for future-focused education at Riccarton High School.

We have recently hosted a number of very successful events which have provided us with the opportunity to profile the school and in particular, profile what makes us different. 

Over 200 Year 8 students joined us on a ‘Transition to High School’ day earlier this term; a day which gave them the chance to work with our teaching staff and some of our student leaders. 

The feedback from our in zone contributing schools on this day has once again been very positive. We continue to be the only school on this side of Christchurch who offers this initiative.

A change in format to our Open Night also proved to be very successful recently. Having the option of self-guided or escorted tours to explore various learning areas and to engage with both staff and students, proved to be popular with the most common comments being about our passionate teachers and outstanding student ambassadors.

As we head towards the Board of Trustees parent representative elections, I would like to offer my sincere thanks to three currently elected members who have chosen not to stand again as their children move off to new and exciting opportunities. To our Chairperson, Alan Aitken, and long-serving members, Lynn Shearing and Rosemary Walton, your experience, wise counsel (and sense of humour!) have made a significant difference to the school and it has been appreciated. I look forward to working with the newly elected Board as we enter an exciting phase in the school’s history.

Neil Haywood


Recreating the Riccarton Way symbol

by Will Eason

Our strength comes from individually and collectively living the Riccarton Way – the philosophy that underpins the way we think, act and feel about ourselves, others at the school, and those in our local and international community. It supports our vision for our students through emphasis on the key values of commitment, honesty, respect and excellence.

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Level 2 Biology trip to Temple Basin!

by Bridie McErlain

On March 24th Mrs Ross and Ms Reed’s Level 2 Biology classes hopped on the bus and headed up towards Temple Basin.

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Sporting Achievements

by Sport

Congratulations to the following students on their sporting achievements.

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Keeping young people safe online:

by Shane Morrow

Young people can spend a lot of time online and can use many different social media platforms to communicate with others and share aspects of their lives. It can be challenging for parents to know and understand what is happening online.

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Year 9 Information Evening

by Will Eason and Courtney Watson

This year we changed the format of our Information Evening and gave our visitors the option to tour the school and explore the different learning areas.

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RHS presents GREASE!

by Will Eason

Riccarton High School is back with another musical!

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Board News

by Alan Aitken, Board Chair

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A warm welcome to Vivien McCaskey and Kim McEntyre.

by Will Eason

A warm welcome to Vivien McCaskey (left) and Kim McEntyre (right) who have joined the staff at Riccarton High School this year.

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Visual Art Update

by Amie Blackwell

2018 RHS Level 3 Painting student's works are exhibited in The Creators’ Room, who held their inaugural art exhibition in Christchurch’s CBD last week.

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Ms Blake and Miss Howie dressed in Pink for Pink Shirt Day.

Library News

by Sally Blake

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Tree Planting at Styx Mill Reserve

by Oliver Stapf

In May 2019 a public tree planting day was held in Styx Mill Conservation Reserve as a public example to protect the trees and to highlight their importance.

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Video: Staff Members Perform In New York

Staff Members Perform In New York

by Jonathan Li

Our staff members Mr Shane Morrow (Deputy Principal) and Mr Blair McHugh (Digital Technology) recently went on a trip to the United States to perform for the Distinguished Concerts International New York.

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Year 8 Day at Riccarton High School

by Harriet Jermy

On Friday the 5th of May, Riccarton High School opened its door to over 200 year 8’s from surrounding feeder schools.

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Christchurch Careers Expo 2019

by Courtney Watson

Along with other schools in the Christchurch region, Riccarton High School attended the annual Christchurch Careers Expo last week.

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Jacob Davidson 12TS - New Zealand Baseball u16 team.

by Will Eason

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St John Youth - Carmen Holdaway and Sarah Gillespie.

by Rick Harlow

Carmen Holdaway (left) and Sarah Gillespie (right) were selected for the St John Youth South Island squad again this year.

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Kohanga Ako Work Experience.

by Tanya Mapp

In Kohanga Ako we have two different work experiences in Term 1, 0800 Hungry and Arian Farm. Hayley and Cheyenne have written about their experiences.

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Blended Family Success: Expert Advice.

by Will Eason

Helping Children in Step Families - ONE DAY ONLY: Saturday 15th June.

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CTDTA dance competitions - Amy McNicholl

by Rick Harlow

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9EA China Experience Day.

by Sarah Eaton

On Tuesday 21st May, 9EA, the contextual class took part in a ‘China Experience’ day, to give students a taster of Chinese culture before they start their research on two focus areas for the remainder of Term 2.

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Australian/New Zealand Brain Bee Challenge.

by Remco Baars

Congratulations to Mackay and Callum Wakefield, Evan Ting and Christine Cuizon on making it through to the second round of the Brain Bee Challenge!

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3Bio goes to Orana Wildlife Park

by Remco Baars

Both Level 3 Biology classes have recently completed their animal behaviour studies at Orana Wildlife Park involving one training day late last term, and two days this term, observing their chosen animal.

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