Rototuna High Schools


Our last eNews bulletin for the year and what a year it has been! I want to give a big shout out to all whānau out there who have been incredibly supportive and positive of our efforts this year. We value your partnership with us and know together we are creating fabulous young people.

It is also that time of the year when I want to thank staff who have again done an amazing job for our young people through the delivery of learning programmes and many extra-curricular activities. A special farewell to staff who are leaving us at the end of the year. Dale Gilmore (retiring), Helen Mackenzie (going part-time), Louise Graafhuis (has a DP job at Marian Catholic School), Nini Ripandelli (moving down South) and Jody Nixon (going to Tai Wananga). All of these people have made valuable and lasting contributions to our school and we look forward to farewelling them properly with the students on the last day of term.

Last but not least a massive thanks to our stunning students who bring such uniqueness, fun and commitment to our school. I am hoping you all have a restful and enjoyable break and you come back pumped about the new year!

In terms of preparation for next year, we are nearly there. Our final iteration of the timetable and courses is close to being finished and we have just one additional teaching position to fill. With an additional 9 teaching positions (roll growth) to fill for next year this has been a massive challenge!

Just a couple of quick reminders now. We want to see you all at IEMs next week so make sure you have this organized. As always we start next year with some cool EOTC adventures and these need to be paid for before any student attends so make sure you get onto this asap.

  1. Individual Education Meetings (IEMS)

    Our IEMs are an integral part of our learning programme at RJHS. Read more…
  2. RHS Market Day 2020

    A huge thank you to the small but hard working team of parents who made this wonderful community event happen on Saturday. Read more…
  3. Term 4 Important Dates & Last Day

    Just a reminder that school finishes at 12pm next Thursday, 10 December. Read more…
  4. Term 4 Rich Learning Experiences

    During the second half of this term, students have been completing learning experiences that have been part of a rigorous feedback and ... Read more…
  5. Netsafe Support and Information

    Are parents keeping up with Children’s Online Activities? Read more…
  6. Rural Bus Times For Upcoming Week

    Confirming our rural buses for the last week of term:- Read more…
  7. Jump Ball Academy - School Holiday Programme

    For more information, please have a look at the photos Read more…

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