Rototuna High Schools


Tena Koutou Katoa,

It has been another couple of weeks of uncertainty with the changing of the COVID Alert Levels. We have been working hard to plan for every scenario so that we are able to move quickly should there be a need and want to assure you all that we are confident the plans we have in place will allow the best possible outcomes for students for both their learning and their wellbeing. 

In the Senior School the Wananga Ako ‘Schools of Learning’ have been continuing to develop well. It is important for us to help whānau understand what we are wanting to achieve in working with students in this way and what structural supports have been put in place to both track student learning and progress and to ensure that they are receiving rich learning experiences. We have a layer of structure that allows teachers to work with tracking student progress, and ensuring any interventions needed are able to occur to ensure the student achieves their individual goals and outcomes. This additional layer within the Wananga Ako is enhanced with students also having a Kaimanaaki (teacher who supports understanding of connections across student learning) who meets with students on a weekly basis and helps students not only make connections but also that they have a quality timetable for the week and that they are opting into the correct workshops, tutorials and classes to gain success across the standards they have selected. We believe these additional layers are what will lead to the success for students within the Wananga Ako and allow them to have maximum engagement in their learning. Teachers will also ‘front load’ the learning, putting up the weeks outline of lessons on a Monday so that students can prioritise and plan their week and be pre-prepared for any lessons. In order to prepare students for the workforce, we believe giving agency to students for their own learning is an important aspect of growing their capabilities; to be self-managing and to take guided responsibility for their learning journey is key. 

Keep an eye on our upcoming events, as we will be hosting some important information evenings around NCEA and Wananga Ako in the coming weeks.

In the meantime, we wish for everyone to stay safe and look after their physical and mental wellbeing in these most precarious of times.

Nga mihi,


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  5. Staff Only Days

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  6. Policy and Procedure Review

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