Whānau Conferences
If you haven’t already, please book in with your students’ whānau teacher. Key details if you haven’t yet booked:
- Wednesday 12 June: 1.30 - 5pm (last booking at 4.50pm)
- Thursday 13 June: 1.30 - 7pm (last booking at 6.50pm)
- Friday 14 June: 1.30 - 4pm (last booking at 3.50pm)
NB: There are no scheduled classes happening over these whānau conference days, however students should attend their whānau conference.
To Book:
- Enter the code 86n8n and select 'Go'
- You will need to enter your email address, name and child's name
- You will then need to select the appropriate whānau adviser and 'Go'
- You will then be able to select a time and complete the booking process
- Parents can only book for one 20 min slot.
Our whānau conference evenings are also an opportunity for you to connect with our Pathways team. There will be a presentation from the University of Waikato on Wednesday night, 6-7pm. This will be focussed on university applications and scholarships.
Leah Crawford, our Pathways Director, encourages Yr 13 students who haven't already met with her to discuss their 2025 transitioning plans from school to employment or further education, to make an appointment. We also encourage this for our Yr 12 students who plan to leave school either within or at the end of Semester 2, 2024. (You will find both Leah and Neville’s names in the School Interviews booking system).
Neville Johnson, our Pathways Coordinator, will be also available to provide information regarding the following courses: Wintec Trades Academy, Fairview Automotive Course, Early Childhood Course, Primary ITO and Service Academy.