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Rototuna High Schools

RSHS Newsletter Term 2, Issue 2


He mihi maioha ki a koutou katoa, warm greetings to you all,

Firstly, thank you very much for your ongoing support and for the feedback we have been receiving through students and kaiarahi about the online learning experiences. We are working through key themes in the feedback but at this point in time I wanted to share some clarifications that we have put in place to enhance our student online learning experience.

  1. Consistency: To ensure consistency of practice across the school we have created a document that clarifies what visible learning looks like for our students. All learning experiences need to be clear and visible for students so that they know what they need to do, and where they need to go to find their work. If a student is not receiving this clarity please contact the kaiarahi immediately so that we can rectify this gap.

  2. Emailing outside school hours/weekends: We will be reiterating with students that teachers will not respond immediately to messages. Our expectation is that students will receive some kind of response within a 24 hour period. We expect that no contact (response) will occur over the weekend.

  3. Communication: All student communication for Courses must be in Schoology.

  4. Setting work: We are working with our teachers to ensure that they are not setting too much work for students.

I hope that we all continue to stay safe, and stay in our bubbles so that Lockdown Level 3 is only in place for a very short time.

Ngā mihi



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