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Rototuna High Schools

RJHS Newsletter - Term 1, Issue 3


My message is very quick today. Everyone has been receiving lots of communication from school over the last two weeks due to our COVID situation so I want to be brief today. Over the last two days we have had more students test positive but all have been away for some time which minimises the impact of these cases. I expect there is going to be continued disruption to households and school for some weeks yet. Let’s hope we get through it with minimal illness to everyone and continued positive support of each other.

A lot of you have teenagers in your house or young people who are immersed in social media and the online environment. How are you managing this as a parent? Do you really understand the dangers? Do you have strategies to manage access and behaviour of your young person online? This is a tricky space for us as parents and educators. We see the huge benefits of online access every day and we also see the harm caused to our young people at times. Can I just strongly encourage as many of you (hopefully all of you) to put some time aside to engage in the Cyber Safety webinar advertised below. Super informative and entertaining too.

The webinar will nicely reinforce the messages that are being delivered regularly here at school and most recently by our Youth Liaison Police Officer to our Year 10 students (Year 9s will be next). Participating in the webinar will support you in having conversations and putting in place expectations at home to reinforce key safety messages that will promote the positive wellbeing of all of our young people.


Cyber Safety Webinar

Cyber Safety Webinar - Tuesday 1 March - 7.00 pm


Please join us for our cyber safety presentation hosted by Rob & Zareen Cope, Authors, Educators and Documentary Filmmakers. The presentation will be mixed with a lot of laughter, love and raw hard hitting facts and stats.

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Parent Schoology Accounts 2022

by RHS

Schoology is our Learning Management System (online software package) in which we share learning with students, receive evidence of learning, give formal feedback and assess achievement and progress.

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Important Notice

PPTA Union Meeting

by RHS

Please note: Teachers will be attending a Union Meeting on the afternoon of Thursday 24 February - classes will finish at 1.00 pm.

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COVID Messages


Just want to remind all students and whānau of isolating students that it is super helpful for all students to be checking Schoology each day for their new learning.

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Individual Photos - Photolife

by RHS

Individual student ID photos will be taken next week:

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Year 7 & 8 Immunisation Programme


The Waikato DHB Public Health Nurses have started our 2022 HPV and Boostrix Immunisation Programme.

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Physiotherapy @ RHS

by RHS

Physiotherapy has started again in Student Services on Tuesday - Thursday - 12:30 - 4:00pm

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Message from our PTA

by RHS

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Term 1 Policy Review

by RHS

As part of our triennial Policy and Procedure review process this term I would like you as parents and caregivers to engage with reviews of the following policies/procedures:

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