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Rototuna High Schools

RSHS Newsletter - Term 1, Issue 2


Kia ora Rototuna e te Whānau,

Welcome to Week 5 of the school year! Things have been super busy over the past few weeks with the ever changing landscape of COVID and I know many of you will be deeply concerned about what is happening in the Ukraine. Our thoughts are with those of you affected by the unfolding crisis. If your young person needs support related to either of these situations, please either contact your young person’s Kaiārahi or Kahui Rangatahi (Student Support) -

Restrictions related to COVID have meant we have not been able to carry out scheduled events, for example inviting new whānau into school to share more about our curriculum approach, or to hold an NCEA evening. To keep connecting about teaching and learning at RSHS we have included a link to a short video below: Introducing and Explaining Our Curriculum Approachand three curriculum strands if you are interested. We are also working on a follow up video focussed on explaining how NCEA works in relation to each curriculum strand. 

You will all now be aware as a country we have moved our response to Phase 3 at RED. The onus is now on each of us to keep ourselves safe so that we keep each other safe. To do this we need to continue to wear masks, maintain social distancing and continue our current hygiene practices. Please remind your student that the nature of contact with other people can put them at more risk, for example sharing drink bottles with someone who finds out they have COVID. It is really important to consider the possible consequences of these actions because it has the potential to affect so many people including loved ones and friends. 

At Phase 3 we remain open and we will continue with our hygiene practices to keep school a safe place to be. It is great for a students' wellbeing and learning to be at school with their friends and school staff. All students are welcome and expected back at school if they are well and symptom free. If your student is not able to be at school please encourage them to keep up to date using Schoology, lesson materials will continue to be posted here. Also please encourage your student to email their teacher if they have questions or to make contact with their Kaiārahi if they need more support. More information about Phase 3 at Red follows later in this newsletter.


Be kind.

Stay safe.

And stay home if you are feeling sick.

Ngā mihi,



Video: Welcome to Rototuna Senior High School

Introducing and Explaining Our Curriculum Approach


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Satellite Campus

Satellite Campus Update


We have made a hugely positive start to the year with two timetabled modules on the Satellite Campus; Mind Control (English, Media Studies and Psychology) and Global Environmental Development (Statistics, Biology and English).

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COVID Update


At RED Phase 3 - The onus is now on each of us to monitor our own symptoms and identify our close contacts.

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Parent Schoology Accounts 2022

by RHS

Schoology is our Learning Management System (online software package) in which we share learning with students, receive evidence of learning, give formal feedback and assess achievement and progress.

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Individual Photos - Photolife

by RHS

Individual student ID photos will be taken next week:

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Message from our PTA

by RHS

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