Year 10 to Year 11 Enrolment for 2024
We must have all Year 10 RJHS students go through the formal enrolment process to enrol for Year 11 at RSHS as legally the two schools operate as separate entities. Your Year 10 student will not automatically be enrolled in the Senior High. You must complete the enrolment process.
The form is designed to be a simplified version of a full enrolment and is for current Junior High students specifically. It does require a current Proof of Address (most recent power bill - all pages - or a landline phone bill) as this is a requirement for all enrolments into the Senior High. Please email if you have any queries.
Once your application is received, you will get an email of acknowledgement. The enrolment application will be reviewed and we will either send you an 'Acceptance' email or an email to request further information.
Students who enrol by 1st of September, and have received a confirmation letter, will receive a letter with a link to a ‘Friend Request’ Google form. We will not be accepting any friend requests after this date as we will be placing students in advisory classes.
If your child is not intending on returning to the Senior High, please email