Rototuna High Schools


Ngā mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa, warm greetings to you all.

Since I wrote to you in the newsletter a fortnight ago a lot has happened! Firstly the Puna Wānanga showcase last Wednesday evening. There was a huge range of projects that were celebrated and the enthusiasm of our wonderful students was apparent every time you stopped to talk to find out more. Thank you to everyone who made the effort to attend.

Secondly, on Saturday night, we held our school ball inspired by a ‘Secret Garden’ theme. This was a lovely occasion, with students and staff enjoying the opportunity to dress up and dance together. I was so impressed by the way everyone pulled together to make the evening so special. This was the first ball I have ever attended that was catered by staff and students from our very own Junior High. The food was second to none. Again, thank you to everyone involved.

At the beginning of this week we said our final farewells to our senior students for 2020. This has been a year of extraordinary global events, beginning with COVID-19. Overseas we have seen the rise and fall of political leaders, civil unrest and most recently witnessed unprecedented numbers of people exercising their democratic right to vote in the US elections. Through all of these events teachers have worked alongside students to keep the focus on learning with the aim of supporting every student to achieve their own personal success. Whānau conferences were held over the first three days of this week so families could connect with their student’s advisor to discuss progress, achievements and next steps.

To finish this week, we are looking forward to our final celebration on Thursday evening recognising our top achievers for 2020 at the senior prize-giving. I look forward to seeing you there.

Ngā mihi

Miranda Makin

  1. Senior Prizegiving

    This Thursday night we will be celebrating the academic and personal successes of our Akonga for 2020. Read more…
  2. Term 4 Important Dates

    Read more…
  3. Iwi Update

    The Senior High School will have a new Iwi for 2021 Read more…
  4. Senior High Yearbook

    We are excited to bring to you our first ever Senior High yearbook created by our Yearbook projects group! Read more…

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