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Sherwood Primary

Sherwood School Newsletter - Term 4 Week 7 2021


Move to the traffic light system

by Jeff Johnstone

What does this mean for school?

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Learning how to care for our garden.

Getting stuck in!

by Karla Anderson

A group of Year 1 ākonga (students) have been working hard in the garden.

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Nationals Chess Result

by Jeff Johnstone

Sherwood team comes third place overall!

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School bike track

by Jeff Johnstone

The project is underway!

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Technology User Agreement (required)

by Jeff Johnstone

IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY... A reminder to complete this online form if you have a child or children at Sherwood in 2022.

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COVID-19 Protection Framework guidance

by Jeff Johnstone

This a brief summary of the COVID-19 Protection Framework (CPF) guidance.

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Local Cluster of Schools

by Jeff Johnstone

Sherwood takes a lead role

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Thank you to our sponsors!

by Jeff Johnstone

Please support our valued sponsors!

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