Sherwood School Newsletter - Term 1 Week 0 2022
Term 1 Begins: Tuesday 8th February
Term 1 Ends: Wednesday 13th April (Teacher Only Day Thursday 14th April)
Term 2 Begins: Monday 2nd May
Jeff Johnstone
What you need to know for their first day.
Read More
How we have managed swimming credits from 2021
We look forward to welcoming our students back to school on Tuesday 8th February.
We adhere to the following Ministry of Education advice:
How we will manage cases in our school
Who has to wear a mask?
Sherwood Parents Association
Wednesday 9 February, 2.30pm-3.30pm, in the Visitor Carpark outside the hall.
Please note - no pick up zone this year!
What's still happening and what's not?
Some rights reserved Sherwood Primary , 2024