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Shotover Primary School


Kia Ora

The last newsletter of the first term of our fourth year… that's right, one of four terms is almost done and dusted.

We have a few staffing changes to share with you that will come into being in the new term. As mentioned in an earlier newsletter Carmel Casey will be leaving us and moving closer to her home in Wanaka to take up a role at Wanaka Primary. Last week the Board confirmed the appointment of Mr Mike Stanley to join the team in Skippers. 

The Board also received the resignation of Rachel Taylor from her job share position as part of the Hays team. Rachel will be finishing up with us this week. We have changed a couple of roles around and so Vera Stewart, who has been serving as part of the release team, will be moving to be part of the Hays team, replacing Rachel. Emma Thompson has been appointed to replace Vera within the release team. 

 In addition to these appointments, the Board moved to make another appointment to join the Kimi ākau teaching team. This is to address the growing numbers in Kimi ākau and will enable the team to enhance the learning design. To this end, Sarah-Jane Knowles will be joining the Kimi ākau team. 

We are really looking forward to having Mike, Emma and Sarah-Jane join the team.

We have an article further on in the newsletter about toys and our expectations about these items coming to school. I would really appreciate if you could support us in these matters.

Stage 2 is now well progressed and we are in the middle of working out the best way to use this new space once it comes online. It will be ours at the end of term 2, with adults and children inhabiting it from the beginning of term 3.  Once the Board has finalised plans, we will discuss this in more depth in the newsletter. For the time being, check out the photographic timeline of the build as taken by Kevin Wakeling.

Enjoy your time with the family over the next two weeks of the term break. We’ll see you back on Monday 30th April, ready to go for the second term of 2018.

Ka kite

Ben Witheford



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Toys, Toys, Toys

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With the current refreshed craze of Beyblades and Pokemon cards, we think it is timely to reinstate some expectations around bringing toys to school.

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The board speaks...

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News from Mission Control

by Brodie Paterson

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Important Dates @ Shotover Primary

by Lisa Cooke

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Lost Property

by Lisa Cooke

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2018 School Skiing

by Trineka Newton

School skiing takes place during term 3. Below is some useful information regarding the NZSKI passes.

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by Lisa Cooke

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