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Creating Pathways to Grow Heroes

South Hornby A–Z

Wendy Huriwai - December 17, 2020

South Hornby School is situated in Amyes Road, Hornby. It is a contributing primary school for pupils from New Entrants to Year 6. It has a staff of 13 full time teachers and a school roll of approximately 300 children.

Under the leadership of the principal, the school is divided into 3 learning teams:

Harakeke - Junior 

  • Te Ope Ruaraki – New Entrants & Yr 1

  • Te Māuru-e-taki-nei – Yr 1-3

Toi Toi - Middle 

  • Whakarua – Yr 3-4

Raupō- Senior 

  • Pūnui-o-toka – Yr 5-6

Each of these syndicates is led by a senior staff member.

The school complex comprises two main blocks, an administration area, a hall/library building, swimming pool, adventure playgrounds, a bike track and a large grassed area.

We value Whānau: The school recognises the importance of parents' active involvement in a child’s education. Our open-door policy welcomes freedom of communication, but an appointment is appreciated. Please phone the school secretary if you require an appointment.


In the interests of your child’s safety we are required by the Ministry of Education to hear from you if your child is absent from school. We have an answer phone available for all absences, please ring before 9.15 a.m as we operate an electronic attendance system throughout the school, so it is important that child/ren are at school on time everyday. We also have a “Report an Absence” link on our webpage should you wish to send an email.

Should there be a need for you to take your child from school during the day you are required to report to the office to sign your child out using the “Vistab”. This is particularly important so that all student's whereabouts may be established at anytime and particularly in the event of an emergency.

If there are Custody issues or court orders relating to your child please inform the principal and provide copies of any court orders.

After School Programmes

If you are unable to pick your child up at 2.50 p.m. there is an after/before school care programme operating from our school hall.

For enrolments and further information please contact Horizons Oscar on 980 2296 Ext 213 or 216 or visit the website

Behaviour Policy and Procedures

We have an effective behaviour management policy based upon Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L). This includes systems for rewarding positive behaviour. Should you wish to view this in detail please contact the school office or search PB4L on our website.

Board of Trustees

The elected members of the Board of Trustees work closely with the principal and staff responsible for the management of the school.

Parents are welcome to attend Board of Trustees meetings, held at 6:30pm on Mondays. (Dates of meetings can be requested from our Board chairperson at For all Board related policies please refer to the Schooldocs link on our website or follow this link. User name: south and password: hornby

Class Trips

Class trips form a regular part of our school programme. Class teachers and syndicates decide the nature and frequency of these.

We are a part of the School Donations Scheme. This means that we will receive funding from the Ministry of Education to fund these outings. We will only ask for donations towards school camps and money for out of school opportunities which are not a part of the school curriculum, e.g., basketball.

All monies are to be sent directly to the school office in a named envelope with the amount and the experience you are paying for, or alternatively you can pay online.

Coming to School

  • Bicycles – our School Policy is that children under the age of 10 must be accompanied by an adult. (this is on the recommendation of the Police).

  • Cars – parents can park vehicles in the marked visitor section of the Amyes Road carpark. You are also welcome to use the drop off/pick up zone however you are required to stay in your vehicle. In addition there are parking zones along Amyes Road, Tower Street and Brynley Street, with a short walk through the alleyway.

  • A supervised school patrol operates on Amyes Road both before and after school.

Common Diseases

If you are unsure whether your child should attend school the following guidelines may be of some assistance.

  • Infectious Diseases – measles, chicken pox, whooping cough – get a doctor’s opinion.

  • Skin Diseases – school sores, ringworm. Generally children do not need to stay away providing there is evidence of appropriate medication.

  • Allergies – please notify us of allergies. Medication can be kept in the school office.

  • Head Lice – attendance at school is possible as long as effective treatment has commenced. As part of the "Kids Can" support, we are able to help with treatment options for head lice. Please notify the teacher or office staff so further cases can be monitored.

Cyber Safety

All cyber safety policies and procedures can be viewed on our South Hornby School Schooldocs site. User name: south and password: hornby

Dental Clinic

Dental therapists visit our school at intervals throughout the year. Please contact the School Dental Therapist directly if you have any enquires Ph: 0800 846 983


We make every effort to contact parents/caregivers in the event of an emergency. Please ensure that the school office has an up to date contact number. If you change your address or telephone number please let the office know as soon as possible.

Enrolments — New Entrants

Starting school is a major event in a child’s life. We strive to make this important event as pleasant and enriching as possible.

Pre-Entry Visits

  • Prior to your new entrant starting school, it is recommended that they visit school to become familiar with their new surroundings and teacher.

  • Pre-entry visits take place from the start of the school day until the end of morning tea on the two/three Tuesdays prior to your child’s 5th birthday. If this is inconvenient for you, please discuss options with our New Entrant team leader.

  • You are welcome to stay for a little while, but we prefer you to leave your child so they can have the experience of being on their own at school.

  • The New Entrant leader will phone to confirm dates for these visits.

  • We require from you:
    An enrolment form (available from the school office or through the website)
    Proof of in school zone address (rates or power bill, tenancy agreement etc…)
    A birth certificate
    An immunisation certificate

Preparing your child for school

The following are useful tips to make the transition to school easier for your child:

  • Encourage a positive attitude to school, talk to your child about school and what will happen throughout the day e.g., play lunch, lunch time, what the bells mean etc.

  • Allow your child opportunities to play, take turns and negotiate with other children.

  • Help your child to recognise and manage their emotions, including disappointment, winning and happiness. 

  • Help your child to recognise their own name, and if possible, attempt to write it.

  • Teach your child how to manage their clothes, look after their property and pack their own school bag.

  • Familiarise your child with a packed lunch. A small play lunch wrapped separately is helpful.

  • Provide opportunities for your child to use scissors, crayons and pencils.

  • Name all clothing and property, this ensures lost items can be located and returned quickly.

New entrants will attend school for the normal school hours. If a child is very tired and not coping with school an earlier finishing time can be negotiated with the New Entrant leader.

Health/Vision Testers

These testers, employed by the Ministry of Health, generally visit the school to conduct hearing and vision tests at specific age levels. Children with difficulties will be noted and parents/caregivers advised.


Children in junior classes will have regular reading homework. We ask that you make this an enjoyable shared reading time. At other levels, homework is assigned by class teachers for the benefit of your child.


School Library – classes visit our library at least weekly. Children are able to borrow books to bring home. Please check the regular class library day to ensure your child’s book is returned on time. The library is also open during school lunchtimes for all children to utilise.

Lost Property

Our lost property bin is kept in the school office. Sadly, it is often full. We appreciate you helping to alleviate this problem by NAMING YOUR CHILD’S PROPERTY.


We are excited to be a part of the Ka Ora, Ka Ako | healthy school lunches programme These begun in 2021. 


An online school newsletter is sent out every fortnight, usually on a Thursday. They are an important communication between school and home. Newsletters are also available on our school website and facebook page.

Parent Support Group

Meetings are held monthly. They are important in the wider life of the school. Fundraising is an important function of our parent support group. All new members welcome. 

Permission Forms

Permission forms are sent home at the beginning of the year. This form requires your signature for your child to participate in school trips, internet use and the publication of your child’s work on the school website.

Reporting to Parents

Over a school year, all students will receive learning posts that you can view on your personal online login to our student management system, LincEd-Hero. You may upload this app to your phone. Their current progress in mathematics, reading and writing will also be updated at both mid and end of the year. You can check your child’s current learning progress at any stage through your LincEd-hero login.

Formal Parent/Teacher/Student interviews are held once a year towards the end of Term 2. Parents may wish to meet with a member of the staff to discuss any matters which arise throughout the year. In this case parents are asked to telephone the school for an appointment, or email the class teacher.

Similarly, a teacher may require an additional interview with a parent if the need arises. We encourage parents to maintain close contact with the school at all times.

School Donations

We have opted into the Ministry's School Donation Scheme. No school donations will be requested from you. 

School Values

Our three School Values are: Whānau, Āko (Learning), Mahi Tahi (Collaboration). 

These are supported by the following three 'Etū Tāngata' strands which are all incorporated into our school programmes of work.

  • You Have Value
  • We Succeed Together
  • Others Matter

School Website

Your children will be producing work which we may wish to put on the school website. If you do not wish to have your child/ren’s work published here, please indicate on the permission form sent home with your invoice (see permission forms).

Timetable (School hours)

The school grounds open at — 8.30 a.m.

Image by: Wendy Huriwai


All children are required to wear the approved school uniform. Uniforms can be purchased from The Warehouse Hornby. Second hand uniforms are available to purchase at the school office.


Because we cannot be responsible for the loss or damage of valuables, we ask children not to bring them to school. This includes large sums of money, jewellery, toys, and electronic games.

Mobile Phones can be brought to school but need to be handed into the school office during school hours.

Zone (Enrolment)

South Hornby School is governed by a Ministry of Education Enrolment Zone. Details of this enrolment zone and opportunities for out of school enrolments can be viewed on the school website.

We look forward to meeting you and trust your association with our school will be a long and happy one.

Ngā mihi,

Wendy Huriwai