Introducing Mrs Lewis

What do you love the most about teaching five-year-olds?
I love the fact that they are enthusiastic, energetic and fun. Every day is different. They are so keen to come to school.

Have you ever thought about a different career? What would you do for a job if you were not a teacher?
I’d love to be something like a food technician where you are creating food and trialling new recipes because I love to cook. That sounds like fun to me!

What would your “perfect day” look like?
My perfect day would start with a walk at sunrise. I’d have to have a swim somewhere in there. I love the outdoor pool at the beach at Dunedin. And of course, some time with my family and there’d have to be a little bit of chocolate and some coffee as well.

If you had the power to change one thing in the world what would it be?
Peace! I would love to see peace in the world. It upsets me to think there is so much fighting in the world right now.

If you won a trip to anywhere in the world for a week, where would you go?
I’d have to go to the Amalfi Coast in Italy. I’d love to go there.

What’s your Maggie’s order? Almond latte, yum

Sweet or savoury? Sweet

Singing or Dancing? Singing all the way!