St Hilda's Collegiate School

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just in fact as you are doing”

Thessalonians 5:11

Dear Parents, caregivers and friends of St Hilda’s,

It has been a very busy term, and one we can all be proud of. It is always such a special term as we welcome in our new students and see them making such wonderful contributions to our community. It has been fantastic to be able to share special events with our wider community again and we have loved having whānau join us for things like the Mihi Whakatau, Prefect commissioning and Academic Blues. We look forward to further opportunities to gather together.

There have been some wonderful sporting results and cultural performances and there is a lot of excitement around as we head into the winter sports season and begin rehearsals for the school production, “The Little Mermaid”. 

We enjoyed hosting the summer quadrangular sports tournament. This long standing tournament has had some changes made to add in a new sport and to include an extra school. It is always good to build on what we have.

Students at Tolcarne and our Whanaungatanga groups have done an amazing job making care packages to go to our sister schools in the Hawke's Bay who have been affected by Cyclone Gabrielle. They are all assembled, ready to be dropped off to the Anglican Diocese of Dunedin who will send them to Hukarere and Woodford House.

Athletics Sports saw the first house competition for the year and our house captains of Aston, Bentham, Thomson and Richards ensured there was no lack of house pride. 

A special highlight for this term has been the leadership shown by the Year 13 students in leading the teaching of our school Haka, Hākuiao. They have really helped the school develop confidence with this which was shown when they performed this to farewell Ms Turner who has left St Hilda’s to take up a role at the University of Otago Pathways programme.

Alongside farewells we also got to welcome new staff and we are pleased to have Ms Adelle Shea join us teaching in the Social Sciences department and Mrs Catherine Cameron join our student support team.

Teaching and learning is well established as we settle to our rhythm for the academic year. Reports will be in parents' inboxes shortly and I urge you all to take up the opportunity of the Learning Conversations at the beginning of Term 2, to really consolidate the partnership between home and school, and to further assist your daughter with her academic progress. These are an important milestone check for all our students across all their subjects.

The building project is moving along and it is very exciting to see the new spaces progressing.

I hope all our families have time to reconnect, refresh and reflect on a great Term 1, over the coming holiday break.

“It takes courage to be kind” ― Maya Angelou

Judy Maw

  1. Sharing the Love

    Our care packages are packed and will soon be winging their way to the Hawke's Bay community. Thank you to everyone for giving ... Read more…
  2. Important Dates

    Term 2 - Learning Conversations with curriculum teachers - Learning Conversations with curriculum teachers - Ethel and Bethel PFA ... Read more…
  3. Notification of Proposed Strike Action - Tuesday May 9th 2023

    PPTA Te Wehengarua members have voted for in Term 2 2023. The national executive has now set the date for this strike as Tuesday . Read more…
  4. Playground Project and Casual Clothing Day

    We are pleased to announce that we have a plan for the new playground and are now in the process of fundraising and applying for ... Read more…
  5. Board of Trustees Report

    Tena koutou, It is hard to believe that the first school term of 2023 is drawing to a close. Time seems to fly by (and I seem to be ... Read more…
  6. St Hilda's Parents & Friends Association Report

    Welcome to all our families that have started their St Hilda’s journey in 2023, as always Term 1 is action packed and seems to pass ... Read more…
  7. PFA Fundraiser 2023 "Ethel & Bethel Bingo Babes Comedy Evening" Saturday 6th May - LAST CHANCE TO BUY TICKETS!

    This year the PFA fundraising event is a comedy evening not to be missed, hosted by "Ethel & Bethel". It promises to be action packed ... Read more…
  8. Director of Development and Old Girls Association

    With the Chapel and Whitby Hall developments progressing well, we are excited to announce there will be a Chapel fundraiser to ... Read more…
  9. Tolcarne Report

    Here we are at the end of Term 1 for 2023. I think many of you will agree in thinking 'where did the time go?!' We started the year ... Read more…
  10. From the Archives

    Kathleen Daisy Baylis (nee Aston) 1879 - 1960 Read more…
  11. Chaplain's Chat

    As you read this, I will (hopefully!) be on my way to the UK for the staff scholarship I was meant to do in 2020 before Covid struck. ... Read more…
  12. Message from the Counsellor

    Let’s talk about Sex and Relationships: The real kind, not the fake internet kind…… Read more…
  13. Meet the Prefects

    Head Girl - Ava Beens Read more…
  14. Meet the Prefects

    Christy Foster - Deputy Head Girl Read more…
  15. Meet the Prefects

    Maori and Pasifika Prefect - Phoebe Hunter Read more…
  16. Meet the Prefects

    Academic Prefect - Elsie Burnside Read more…
  17. Technology Department

    The Technology Department is off to a flying start in 2023, with fewer interruptions from Covid we are looking forward to a productive ... Read more…
  18. Maths Department

    This has been a busy but positive start to the year. As a department the main changes are in personal. Paul Ellwood,  while still ... Read more…
  19. Science Department

    Two new staff have joined this department at the start of 2023. Ms Harriet Love – teaching Science and Chemistry. Ms Love is ... Read more…
  20. CASE Space School - Iris Rogers

    During the summer holidays, Iris Rogers travelled to the USA to take part in a CASE Space School experience. She joined 36 other ... Read more…
  21. Sports Prefects and Liaison Report

    Term 1 has been a busy term with many sports and competitions starting up, along with activities being run within the school. We ... Read more…

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