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St Hilda's Collegiate School

Hilda's News Term 3

So in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. - Romans 12:5

Overall, the desire to be a part of a community is a fundamental aspect of human nature, as it fulfils our social, emotional, and practical needs while enriching our lives in various ways.

It has been such a blessing to be able to have the whole school together for Chapels and assemblies. Connecting with others, having conversations, and actively engaging provides endless opportunities to learn. The sound of singing, laughter, last words, prayer, reflection and various performances have reminded us all of the the enjoyment of sharing as a community.         

Being a part of a community provides us with this much-needed feeling of belonging. It can empower us to do better and grow.

It has been a busy term as students have been involved in winter sports, and Tournament week, the wonderful production of "The Little Mermaid", Hip Hop and Aerobics competitions and various other cultural and sporting pursuits. Alongside of these things it has been great to welcome exchange students from Woodford House and St Hilda's in Perth and to have these opportunities restarting. 

It has been a term of hard work in the classroom as well, with Yr 12 /13 sitting benchmarks as they look towards their end of year exams.

The variety and busyness of a school at this time of year is always inspiring, if sometimes exhausting, and I hope you all get a chance to relax and refresh ready for our final term.

“We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibres connect us with our fellow men.” – Herman Melville


Elizabeth Grounds (Yr13) Natural Fibres

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