Rebecca and Ryan on the birth of Nate
Courtney & Matt on the birth of Lucy
Fiona Buhler for making the wee fairy houses
Eamonn Lowe for doing story time with us
Catherine Savill for treating us to coffee
Friday 27th August - Daffodil Day
Tuesday 7th September - Teddy Bear's Picnic
Monday 27th September - Bike Day
11th - 15th October - Literacy Week
Thursday 14th October - Book Character Dress Up
Friday 29th October - Pet Day
Please also remember to bring along your child's wet bag each day.
If tamariki or adults are suffering from general illnesses ie hand, foot and mouth, ringworm, slapped cheek, headlice, conjunctivitis, etc they will be asked not to attend preschool until condition has been treated. Anyone suffering from vomiting or diarrhoea must not attend preschool until 48 hours after last symptoms.